John Koenig is a former Mad Man who wrote and produced commercials for
clients such as Duncan Hines Cakes, Crisco Shortening and the New York
Stock Exchange. Since selling an advertising agency he founded in 1998, John
has been a professional hypnotist practicing full-time in Rhode Island where
he has helped thousands make important personal changes with hypnosis
and hypnotic coaching. He is a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified
Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists and was awarded the guild’s
Order of Braid in 2022 for lifetime achievement. John is co-author of The
Hypnotic Coach and the author of My Autobiographies: An Introduction to
Past Life Exploration for Personal and Spiritual Growth. John’s
Hypnovision Video Series was featured on both NBC and ABC National
News in the 1980s. John’s newest project is the Universal Mind Map Oracle
Meditation System for Personal Transformation which will be available in
October on

the Author Hour ( from expanding knowledge) 9/12/24
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John adds that all this is in his current incarnation. He is aware of over 25 prior incarnations that range from an African Shaman and a Medieval Monk to the wife of wife Victor – a Russian peasant blacksmith in Czarist Russia his wife Maria in their current incarnations.
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