Mottos "The ENTRANCE RAMP -- To the Information Highway(TM)" "Turning any print, graphic, or Video into a HOTLINK!" "The Most Powerful COMMUNICATION Tool, Known to Mankind(TM)" Reasons a Call2ACTIONSymbol(TM) is better than a STANDARD QR Code or digital business card
Why Call2Action Symbols(TM) are QR codes --- ON STEROIDS !!!
Usual problems with Standard QR codes:
1. Most "Typical" QR Codes are created by Amateurs - who don’t know how to properly make or link them - using "Freebie" software. 2. They often leave out "Human-Readable" URLs - typically used by 20 to 70% of prospects who cannot or do not choose to scan. 3. Amateurs often choose "static" QR codes (text documents, address data, etc.) that are NOT robust enough to allow changeability, tracking, (dynamic) file types, or digital landing pages. 4. These same amateurs very frequently jamb so much data into the "static" code - the squares inside the code become so dense, that tablets can NOT SCAN THEM! 5. Tablet users, accounting for 20% of prospects, ARE THUS TOTALLY LEFT BEHIND - as they do not have an auto-focus camera to scan them. 6. Putting a logo inside a QR Code is absolutely NOT INDUSTRY BEST PRACTICE - as it damages the redundancy built into the code spec. THINK!!! No one would "mess" with the backup system on a spaceship or airplane! 7. The revolutionary Call2ActionSymbol(TM) provides a totally advanced, next-generation way to communicate your story. Call2ActionSymbols(TM)….. 1. Function as an "Entrance Ramp to the Information Highway(TM)" -- Leading to all kinds of file formats and landing pages: YouTube videos, PPTs, web pages, Spotify files, Audible files, hot links, PDF "Whitepaper" downloads, donation forms, etc. 2. Allow your users to EASILY and QUICKLY use the #1 functionality OF A PHONE.... to Make a PHONE CALL!!!! 3. SUPER CRITICAL -->> Present multiple video educational experiences to truly showcase your products and services. 3. Have GPS and map capabilities to bring customers right inside your front door! 4. Allow you to create a "Scannable VIDEO" of your price list and purchase options. 5. Allow customers to Buy and Pay Now. 6. Custom MOVS(TM) - "Mobile OPTIMIZED Video Site(TM)" Landing Pages accommodate ALL your social media icons at the bottom, for one-touch auto-navigation! 7. Allow you to place a single info-graphic on your screen to showcase the full range of your services. 8. Create direct interaction capabilities: Prospects can call, text or email you immediately. 9. Can hyperlink your logo to your website or other pages. Placing a SINGLE Call2ACTIONSymbol(TM) GRAPHIC AT THE UPPER LEFT CORNER ON YOUR EXISTING/OLD -->> DESKTOP-SCREEN DESIGNED <<-- web page.... Asking.... "ARE YOU MOBILE? Click or SCAN HERE!" 
10. And most essentially, produce Advanced, ROBUST, User-Engagement Analytics - so you can see precisely who has viewed your pages, when they viewed them, what location they logged in from, and virtually everything else but shoe size regarding their ENGAGEMENT!
Our basic product is a simple graphic, the size of a 2" x 3.5” Business Card! 13-years in development -- RIGOROUS “Trial and Error” produced a finished product that far outperforms all “Amateur-created FREEBIE Software Imitators” -- so you don’t have to go through a painful LEARNING CURVE! Our EXCLUSIVE Call2ACTIONSymbol(TM) acts as “The Entrance Ramp To The Information Highway(TM)” For only $79 - less than most businesses spend on a box of copy paper - we can turn any printed material, graphic, or video -- into a HOTLINK! “We bring the OFFLINE World to Your ONLINE Presence(TM)” ---------------------------------------- We always recommend that your LANDING PAGE be a MOVS(TM).... sounds like “Movies”.... “Mobile OPTIMIZED Video Site(TM)” - designed SPECIFICALLY FOR THE UNIQUE NEEDS of Mobile Users! ONLY $149 One-Time, plus $30/Month on-going hosting! Throw away everything you know about OLD websites developed exclusively for PC screens..... The MOVS(TM) starts from the ground up with SUPERIOR functionality -- BUILT SPECIFICALLY FOR MOBILE USERS! --------------------------------------------------------------------- The GAME-CHANGER is the ROBUST ANALYTICS provided in your ROITrac Report(TM)! FREE! Yep, learn about everything except shoe size - when your client scans the Call2ACTIONSymbol(TM) - enabling you to determine which media INVESTMENT is producing the GREATEST RETURN / CONVERSION TO SALES... FOR THE PRECIOUS ADVERTISING DOLLARS YOU EXPEND, PROMOTING YOUR BUSINESS! For the ultimate sales boost..... ASK US / LEARN ABOUT the MagiKube(TM). Now available as a palm-sized “Stress Reliever”, or VIRTUALLY for use on Baseball Caps, T-Shirts, Car Wraps, in Social Media Posts, Turning Videos “Interactive”, for Newspaper/Magazine Ads, Signs, Special Event “Give-Aways”, Prizes for Photo Contests / ScanVenger Hunts, Loyalty Gifts, etc. etc. etc. etc. Simon Sinek - You DESERVE A Styrofoam Cup |